1) Betty and I finally got to feel our little girl move! Sonia has been feeling her moving for some time, but it is just recently that the rest of us can feel her move. Cool!
2) Betty and I are now the legal guardians of our kid. Sound strange? It isn't really when you think about it. Imagine...Sonia shows up to the labor/delivery room, the baby is born, Betty and I say "so, even though the baby came out of that brave lady, we want to take the baby home and have our names on the birth certificate." Normally, the L&D staff would call security at this point, but since we went to court to sort all of this out ahead of time, all is well. That's what Pablo, Sonia, Betty and I went and did on 5/14. Two attorneys, a clerk, a legal reporter and a judge down at the Children's Court near Cal State LA. Thankfully, everything went very smoothly.
Some pics:
Here are the attorneys in the courtroom with Betty and I (Pablo and Sonia are just to the left of the pic out of the frame):
Here we all are with the judge.:
And finally, all of us outside the courthouse. Pablo and I did not coordinate out shirts on purpose... :