It has been 3ish months since Sophia was born...and we are having a great time! Sorry that I have not been more diligent about updating the blog. Anyway, here are things as they stand today:
1) Sophia is happy, healthy, growing like a (very cute) weed, and enjoying being the delight of her parents. Betty is an incredible mom who is having the time of her life while at the same time being put to the test by odd sleep patterns, cabin fever, and all of the other stuff that comes with being a new mom. I am also having the time of my life! I find myself sighing with a goofy smile on my face a lot these days...
2) Pablo, Sonia, and Gabriel are doing very well too. Sonia has recovered well and relatively quickly and is back in full-blown Pablo and Sonia-esque activities including but not limited to deciding as a family with to take in a foster child into their home. They keep on giving, and I suspect that they always will.
3) I will be building a new blog for Sophia soon and will transition activity away from this blog, although this one will continue to exist. Part of the reason that I built the blog to begin with was to offer information to anyone who might have questions about the process of surrogacy, so I'll leave it up for anyone's use. This will be my last post on this blog. I will be sending info to friends and family about the new blog as soon as I have it, so keep an eye out for it.
In the meantime, here are some pics taken by our friend and gifted photographer, Jennifer Phatiphong. If you are thinking to yourself "hey, I would like such pics of my own family/wedding/etc.", you can see examples of her work here: http://esperanzajennphotography.blogspot.com/
And here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/esperanzajenn/
For pricing info: http://esperanzajennphotography.blogspot.com/2009/10/pricing-info.html
Just a few pics for now (all courtesy of Jennifer Phatiphong):

Gloria in te domine
Gloria, exultate
Gloria, Gloria